Manual Index Fixture
- Simple Manual Operation
- 0 to 2.0″ Capacity
- fixed Collet Position
- Horizontal or Vertical Mounting Positions
- 2 to 24 Index Positions (1.0 Inch Fixture)
- 2 to 32 Index Positions (2.0 Inch Fixture) for Collet Fixtures Page for Home Page for Zagar Collet Video
- Coolant Flush
- Accuracy to within .001 of true position
- Easy Part Loading
- Steel and Cast-Iron construction.

Available Models
Horizontal and vertical mount | Part # | size | Weight | collet number | port size |
1″ capacity Fixture | 707-800-1 | 7.0″ wide X 5.25″ Tall | 24 Lbs. | 707-178(5C) | 1/4″ N.P.T. |
2″ Capacity Fixture | 707-850-1 | 8.750″ wide X 7.38″ Tall | 48 Lbs. | 707-310 | 3/8″ N.P.T. |
Basic Operation
- Unclamp: Lift Handle Up
- Clamp: Push handle Down
- Index: Move Handle Side To Side
Zagar holding fixtures are available and in stock for a variety of workholding needs. Zagar Cam style features have a positive mechanism to prevent any movement of the collet or the part in the collet. Internal stops for depth control are made to suit part holding requirements. Pipe tapped holes are provided for coolant and chip removal. Precision built to last and hold close tolerances, the Zagar fixtures are high grade steel with all the wearing parts hardened and ground. whether your application is a new or old machine, one machine or a group of machines, one fixture or many fixtures, conventional or computer controlled you can be sure the Zagar fixture will give you the grip you need.